
Chapter One :Chapter 1

"Mom, don't die, don't leave Duo Duo behind, Duo Duo will behave in the future. Mom, please wake up......"

The sound of crying, as if one's guts were being torn, came from an infantile voice next to her ear. Yang Ruochu raised her hand to rub her forehead and struggled to open her eyes. "Who could be so ruthless? Making a child cry like this?"

The crying suddenly stopped, and Duo Duo stared with widened eyes at the person lying on the haystack.

He tremblingly touched her slightly cool face and asked anxiously, "Mom, are... are you awake? Does your head wound hurt a lot?"

He was certain that he couldn't feel his mother's breath just a moment ago, so why did she suddenly wake up?

Although Duo Duo was only five years old, the years of vagrant life had made him more savvy and mature than other children.

"Pain! Of course it hurts!" Yang Ruochu raised her hand to her forehead, her hand felt sticky. She retracted her hand and looked at it. "Oh my god! Who did this to me?"

She struggled to get up.

Her eyes were bloodshot, and she was seething with rage.

She just went to get the freshest ingredients and was harassed by a group of thugs on the way. She couldn't stand this, so she went forward to reason with them, resulting in violence.

Who let her be a tough girl with a soft exterior?

But she couldn't remember how she got injured?

And why was there an extra kid?

Duo Duo looked at her worriedly, afraid that she couldn't stand steady, and kindly supported her, "Mom, your head is still injured, let's bandage it up first."

"No! I need to teach those bastards a lesson. So they were human traffickers."

"Those bunch of bastards? Human traffickers?"

Duoyu was stunned.

He liked his mother when she was like this, fiery and fierce. She used to be too weak, often bullied, and he often had to clean up the mess.

"Mom, the one who hurt you was Grandpa Tai, he is bad, but he is not a human trafficker."

"Kid, what did you call me?” Yang Ruochu finally heard clearly what the boy was calling her, but what on earth is this 'mom'?

Duoyu blinked, his heart filled with inexplicable unease, "Mom..."

Seeing Yang Ruochu's wide-eyed, incredulous look, Duoyu got scared, and tightly grabbed her hand, "Mom, I’m Duoduo."

"Duoduo?" Yang Ruochu murmured.

Duoyu nodded heavily without hesitation, "Yes! I am your son that you often say, 'deserves to die, but doesn't; a drag in the living and a waste of food.' Mom, you named me Duoyu, don’t you remember?"

What the hell?

Who would say that about their own son?

This is absurd!

Pain! Severe pain surged through her head, Yang Ruochu’s body swayed and she collapsed back into the hay.

"Mom, don't scare Duoduo, please wake up, wake up..." Duoyu, who was repeatedly frightened, couldn’t hold back his tears and sobbed uncontrollably.

As Yang Ruochu fainted, it was like a film was playing in her head, scene by scene that made her feel angry, sad, and even scenes as horrific as a battlefield...


The baby voice could still be heard echoing in her ears.

Yang Ruochu wanted to wake up, but no matter what, she couldn't open her eyes. At this time, she could only get the most accurate answers from the child.


"Quickly, go catch that brat for me." An abrupt sharp voice echoed, making Yang Ruochu frown and move her fingers slightly.

Holding onto Yang Ruochu's hand tightly, the child implored anxiously, "Mother, please wake up quickly. The evil people are coming."

"Lil' runt, who are you calling evil? Quick! Catch him, I have a good price settled for him already. Although he's a bit young, but they're willing to take him anyway."

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